Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tidings of Comfort And Joy

Another Christmas has come and gone, much the same as every other Christmas. Family comes, family goes, gifts come and go, the feast comes (and comes... and comes... we'll be working through leftovers for the next couple weeks here). Our church had a service on Christmas, but with a dress code ranging from evening wear to blue jeans. The sermon was a marvelous illustration of Jesus as our hero, using comparisons to Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Return of the King, Superman, and the Matrix - mostly Return of the King. It's wonderful having a pastor with similar rabid hobbies.

But before he got to the story comparisons, our pastor went on a nice riff about heroes in general. He talked about how people come up to him a lot with problems, and ask, "Am I doing something wrong?" He says terrible things happen without our doing anything wrong, and we don't have to be strong enough to deal with them. We don't have to be big enough, or special enough, or smart enough to deal with every obstacle. It's as ludicrous as trying to stop an airplane from falling. And yet we've got a Superman ready to dash away from his day job at the first sign of distress. We might be stuck in a castle surrounded by a cage of thorns and beset by a dragon, but we've got a Prince fighting his way through. We have horrors in our lives, but we have a Beautiful Savior whose healing love can cover them. We have a King whose sword drives back the inexorable juggernaut of evil, a King whose hands bring healing in the aftermath, a King whose reign brings joy to the edge of darkness. And we have the One who will truly set us free.

It might have been observed that I'm fond of Isaiah. Aside from the passage that gives this blog its name, I particularly like Isaiah 59. It begins with an unshirking look at the utter injustice of this world. Then, midway through verse 15,
The LORD looked and was displeased
that there was no justice.

16 He saw that there was no one,
he was appalled that there was no one to intervene;
so his own arm worked salvation for him,
and his own righteousness sustained him.

God has seen, and He's said "Enough. I'm coming down there, and if anyone's interested in making a world of hurtin', they'll be getting one." Christmas Day is about our newfound opportunity for peace on earth, about our hero winning the battle, about the fact that we can leave this bloody mess to God and just collapse in a good cry and a rest while He takes care of it. It's about tidings of comfort and joy.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Learning to stand

I was recently ranting my mom about my frustrations with the evolution debate, and my mother, being a wonderful lovely person whom I do not deserve to have as a parent, listened politely and said little in disagreement, despite the fact that we agree on almost nothing in that field. We batted back and forth about whether intelligent design belonged in the classroom at all, whether strict division of instruction along subject lines is desirable, and the general nature of science as a subject. We had hammered out some rough truces, which was roughly satisfying, and then I fumed:

"Why do so many people waste so much time with this intelligent design in science class thing? It's not the end of the world to leave it out, nor to put it in."
"Some people just need to fight, I think."

And this is very true. I named this blog after a Bible passage which I feel expresses this desire to argue, to debate, to test. But for some reason this made me think.

There are a number of Great Debates at the moment in which Christianity figures prominently. Evolution. Abortion. Homosexuality. The boundaries of "freedom of religion." Actually, in each of the above Christianity is not only a player, but it's generally assumed that God's position (if there is a God) is set out in genuine Mt. Sinai stone for the world to see in, er, gray and gray. And Christians (on both sides) will claim that their desperate struggle is part of a desperate stand to protect God's interests, or at least God's interests for His people. Christians will bemoan the lack of spine which keeps fellow believers from standing against the prevailing winds of unbelief.

Certainly there are a lot of people in this world who could stand to learn a thing or three about standing up for the right thing. But being involved in a debate is not an indication of standing, or even swaying with the wind. It's hard to believe, I know, because it's so rarely observed, but humans can be contrary critters. There are actually people out there who prefer to lean against the wind. I know, I'm one of 'em. And some of us like to lean into the wind so hard that when the wind stops blowing, or we're taken into shelter, we fall flat on our faces.

I've wondered why I was born into privilege, into comfort, into a loving home in a relatively safe and prosperous country, and I think this is why. I need to learn to stand independent of the prevailing wind. I think the truly strong person is able to stand for what they believe without needing to push or pull against anyone or anything else, and I think God moves us away from the props which inhibit this. Now I just need to push everyone else into understanding this, and getting along while appreciating diversity of opinion, and then corralling everyone into the Right Point Of View as soon as my studies ascertain exactly what this is. Yeah.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Impressions after a tragedy

6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. -Matthew 24

18I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. 20For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8

38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8

14For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3

I don't know how much the Pakistanis will appreciate expressly Christian prayer, but they have it. They and all the other victims of this mess of a world. Would God care to explain if He has any particular message in mind, before He gets drowned out by the explanations of His self-appointed spokesmen?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Secondary Causes

I've been seeing a lot of stuff from the anti-evolution forces these days, and I've come to a conclusion: I'm heartily sick of the terms in which the whole debate is framed. I have gone from creationist to ID to evolutionist and back.

The various groups pushing alternatives to evolution under such names as "creationism" and "intelligent design" usually do so for at least one of two reasons. The first, and more annoying, is the belief that if God ever becomes unnecessary to explain our existence, God will Himself be disproven. The second, and more understandable, is the belief that God did indeed create the heavens and the earth, and that it would be wrong to teach anything less than the Truth.

But science isn't about Truth. Science isn't about God. Science is about God's handiwork. Science is about secondary causes.

Secondary causes are the causes after God. Secondary causes are the things we learn to understand more about the cause and effect. For instance, the first cause for a baby might be "when a mommy and daddy love each other very much...", but the secondary causes are the biological mechanisms which actually complete the intent of the first cause, and without understanding the secondary causes, our understanding of the process is incomplete. It's fine to summarize "Mommy and Daddy made a baby" or "God did it", but it leaves a lot less room for awe at the complexity.

Think about it! What glories of creation would we not know if we summarized with "God did it" or "God does it"? The heavens declare the glories of God in supernovae, in black holes, in quasars, in the faint whisper of microwave radiation broadcasted across time. God made the heavens so that light travels at a constant rate in a vacuum (or does it?), so that the moon holds the Earth safely steady on her axis, so that the sun governs the days and the stars govern the seasons. The God who knows the movements of each quantum particle is far more than the God who can chart only the fall of each sparrow or the hairs of one's head, and the God who can number the days of a galaxy far more than the God who can number my days alone.

We discover these things when we ask things like "Where does light come from?" and "What force keeps the planets in motion?" and refuse to accept "God did it" as an answer. We discover what a marvelously well-designed Creation this is when we consider it apart from its designer.

Neither creationism nor intelligent design follow this pattern. The first, as a scientific movement, falls apart entirely: it cannot work without a Creator. There is no way to explain, for example, how light and vegetation could exist prior to heavenly bodies except "God did it, it's a miracle." This is about as scientific as the Resurrection: It may be true, but it's a miraculous theological truth and not a scientific one. And no, there's no need to be insulted by that; since science is only concerned with secondary causes, why worry if it doesn't answer Primary questions? Intelligent design is similarly out of bounds. Where we cannot say how the Designer did something, it says merely "the Designer did it." Perhaps true, but scientifically cheating.

And this is why I'm going to try to drop from the scientific debate. It's a mess of science and theology and philosophy with no ground rules, no common ground, and little interest in disinterested truth. I've gone from "creationist" to "intelligent design," and now seem left with "evolutionist," which describes my scientific persuasion, but who will side with my theological persuasion that Genesis is an absolutely truthful (if not scientific, if not factual) account of creation? And who will take the time to discern among them? It's an unholy mess, and may God free us from it to spend more time doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with Him.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


What's in a hurricane?

I'm a little callous about natural disasters, generally. Possibly because most of my memories of surviving Hurricane Hugo are quite pleasant - Dad buying ice cream (which had to be finished immediately in the power outage!), camping out in the hallway, playing on the new jungle gym of fallen trees. So when a disaster strikes with warning, I kind of tend to assume that everyone will be okay, that everyone will sensibly and safely evacuate, and if not, well, maybe they can go swimming a lot closer to home than usual.

Then today I was informed that, in my town in North Carolina, gasoline was going to be out of supply from 6:00 PM tonight until at least Monday, thanks to Katrina. That slightly cloudier, slightly windier day we had the other day had spent itself wrecking our nation's petroleum ports and refineries.

I've never heard of one storm having such a wide effect in the States. It started me wondering about the depth. I'd been avoiding the news stories, you see, because I've been sticking to reading every moment I'm not working. But tonight I look it up, and discover that the death toll is likely to be in the thousands.

In the thousands.

One storm. And this isn't a tsunami striking without a decent warning system. This is one we've been watching approach for days. We've known for at least two days that it was likely to hit New Orleans and the surrounding area. We have sophisticated communication and transportation systems. Why couldn't we avert the tragedies? Property damage is painful, but loss of human life is ...



And I can't understand it. Why should rescue missions even be necessary? Why in Heaven's name were there more than a tiny handful of people left, and why were any people left outside, say, the Astrodome?

It probably has to do with logistics and complications I don't know about. Who knows what kind of glut was on the highways out? How many stubborn souls simply refused to move? Who was forgotten, left behind as evacuees streamed by on every side...

I recall hearing that people will be dying of dysentary and dehydration because of the impossibility of maintaining a supply of drinking water. How little it takes for our society to crumble. I may not see my sister this weekend, because her roommate may not be able to refill her tank upon reaching this place. Suddenly, a few hundred miles have grown from a few hours away to an impassable distance. I'm trying to imagine how it is where there are no roadways left above water.

And I'm imagining floating in a little boat on a lake, with maybe some treetops and alligators, but fun enough in the end, right? *sigh* I really am too callous about disaster. Now to go get that stupid song (I'll let you guess which one specifically) out of my head.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thinking in italics

And this was right. And it was fate that had let Edward recognize this just when he'd got his Plan. And it was right that it was Fate, and the city would be Saved from its ignoble present by its glorious past. He had the Means, and he had the end. And so on... Edward's thoughts often ran like this.
He could think in italics. Such people need watching.
Preferably from a safe distance.
Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms

I love Terry Pratchett. Very perceptive man. Okay, so the Discworld books are silly books, meant to be taken lightly. I'm going to commit the grievous sin of taking this seriously. Because it's true.

Thinking in italics is a very dangerous talent. Although truth be told, if all those without the talent tried to watch all those with it, those without would find themselves severely outnumbered. Most people think in italics at least some of the time. The right way to live. The best literature/theater/food/wine. If nothing else, we find ourselves thinking along the lines of how wrong it is to always think in italics, the way everyone [else] does.

Thinking in italics ought to be treated as carefully as morphine. It's addictive, it's dangerous, and in large quantities it's poisonous. One is tempted to ban it entirely. Yet in some extreme cases, it's the only solution. If slavery isn't wrong, it will be tolerated for its many economic conveniences. If honest dealing isn't right, Enrons will abound.

I'm not good or wise enough to say exactly how italics should be allocated. I do say that we should try to be aware of our italicized thoughts, and subject them to particular scrutiny.

And now I shall return to Discworld and silliness.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Screwtape Writes Again

C.S. Lewis discovered a valuable trove of correspondence between Screwtape, a rather important infernal bureaucrat, and Wormwood, his nephew, a junior tempter. These Screwtape Letters provide useful insight into the inner workings of Hell.

I believe I may have found a fragment of another letter of Screwtape's, though to a different tempter. (Wormwood had but one patient, a male, before he failed and was fed to his superiors.) I record it below.

... You complain that your patient is self-aware and dedicated to thwarting her own faults. You complain that this makes it impossible for you to introduce subtle sins of sloth, self-indulgence, etc. You complain, in short, that this self-awareness and dedication render your job impossible.

My only reply is to wonder yet again what Slubgob is teaching you young fiends. How can you fail to notice the delightful possibilities inherent in her trying to thwart her faults? All you need do is bring her faults to her attention, and she will try to thwart. Humans are always worse than they think they are; I am sure that you will be able to surprise her with enough genuine faults (and even flagrant sins) that she will spend the greater part of her day trying to thwart. Her self-awareness simply means that she will do half the work for you. Soon she will become so engrossed with thwarting that you will be free to introduce imaginary sins and failings to the burden as you please. The result is a veritable banquet of misery, self-hatred and doubt.

Now this is a delicate point. You must never allow her to pause and ask herself, "But didn't Christ say that He came not for the righteous, but the sinners? Is not His sacrifice great enough for even my sin?" Our side have lost many to the Enemy in such circumstances, and those who have got past this obstacle can become deadly weapons in His hands. But I think the danger negligible. Any activity which focuses the patient away from the Enemy is to be desired. And if it is disguised in a noble package such as self-examination, so much the better.

It may surprise you to learn that this is one activity where revealing your influence can be helpful. The knowledge that she is (or has been) vulnerable to you may drive your patient into a still-deeper frenzy of negative soul searching. Never allow her to see the difference the Enemy has had in her life in the same time period. If she does ask that very obvious question, ask in return whether she has made as much progress as she ought. Then focus her not on her progress, but on the distance remaining (which, as I have said, is always greater than these humans suppose). Try convincing her that the sin is too great to be forgiven - a nice dash of pride and hubris which increases despair nicely. If all else fails, make her aware of how much time has been spent wrestling with such silly things as self-doubt and despair, and convince her that she must fix herself before anyone discovers how wretched she has permitted herself to be. Then of course you may trot out her failings again for her review, and begin the cycle again.

The great joke, of course, is that humans are always at least as wretched as your patient believes herself to be. The Enemy had taken this into consideration when He made His atrocious offer of amnesty, just as He considered how His people would fail after accepting Him. (Remember Peter's denial?) And yet He still promises that He, "who began a good work" in each of His people, "will be faithful to complete it". This is all part of His mysterious plan, which He calls "unconditional Love". Our top fiends are even now working to unmask this fiction, but until the facts of the matter are revealed, we must content ourselves with the Enemy's term. At any rate, this is the reason why contact with the Enemy is so dangerous. It might begin all sorts of pursuits of His "Love", which are never desirable.

Posted for the benefit of two friends - one literal, one proverbial. I hope it's coherent enough.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Rescue Stations

I saw an entry in Dry Bones Dance today which reminded me of a parable I love.

There was once a treacherous stretch of shore which caused deadly shipwrecks on a regular basis. People drowned almost every day.. Then one day, a group of people decided to build a rescue station on the shore, from which they could go out and save shipwrecked people. The station was small and primitive, but as more and more people were saved from the water, more and more people made contributions to it for the benefit of others. Bedrooms and hospital facilities were added. Comforts were added one by one, such as fine dining and rec centers. Soon, people became more concerned with the station than with rescuing the shipwrecked people. The rescue station became a sort of country club for a very exclusive clientele.
A few people in the group were outraged at the change. They demanded a return to their original mission - people were drowning once more. These few were not heeded, so they went and made a new rescue station next door.
Unfortunately, within a few years the process repeated itself. And repeated itself again. Until now, the beach is famous for its stretch of exclusive country clubs, just in sight of the rocks where people drown almost every day. And no one is left to do anything about it.

Sometimes I feel like the modern Church spends a lot of time worrying about minutia, or disproportionately worrying about certain sins. How many of us beg God to have mercy, dance joyfully in His grace, or lavish His love upon the world He made, upon the people He redeemed with His Son? How many of us act to seek and save the lost, rather than search and destroy?
Love should be the chief hallmark of the Christian. We should in humility consider others better than ourselves. If we are not self-seeking, if we keep no record of wrongs, if we always hope, always trust, and persevere in these traits, we should have no cause for bitter battles with our brethren. Doctrinal issues become a mere question of theory, when the real question is how we can help heal a fallen world.
I'd almost be happier if I saw the church bitterly arguing about which way to help the poor, to feed the hungry, to succor those in misery. Or how to draw all peoples to God. Arguments about which political party to support or how badly we should hate a particular sin seem like a waste of time, and I'm tired of it. It seems like a great many other people are tired, too. I wonder if we're due for an Awakening soon? Only unlike the previous Awakenings, one more interested in the summons of heaven than escape from hell.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Offense of the Cross

We would rather circumcise ourselves, we would rather do penance, we would rather crawl on our knees through the desert beating ourselves than acknowledge the offense of the cross.
-D. Williams

I heard this in church this morning and was stunned. I'm accustomed to hearing "the offense of the cross" being used (and abused) by evangelists as an excuse for all evangelical offensiveness. I have this vague impression of the offense of the cross as "the offense of the righteous condemning sinners." But the context is quite different:
Galatians 5:11Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.

The context says that the offense of the cross is that righteousness - obeying the law - is worse than useless. The offense of the cross is that we don't need to mess with these things, because we don't save ourselves. In fact, we can't save ourselves. The offense of the cross is its affront to our dignity and pride - our good deeds aren't necessary.

So when Mr. Williams (no, not a famous writer/thinker, just a guy in my Sunday School class) spoke up, it just put things in perspective. I would rather do just about any kind of penance rather than face the fact that I have to put my trust in God, and not my righteousness. Still... kinda refreshing, to be able to cancel my plans for the flagellant retreat. It was for freedom that Christ set us free. :)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

But to avoid these paradoxes...

I love history and old literature. They seem to me more relevant to daily life than many another topic. For instance, reading Democritus again (and I must offer apologies to Burton, whose first name is Robert not Richard), I'm running across the Great Debate of Science vs. the Bible.

Our author (who shall now be BB for Bob Burton) is discussing the debate between the Church and such men as Kepler and Galileo. He notes that many philosophers "accuse the Mosaic cosmology of being a crude popular account, far removed from true philosophical learning. For Moses makes mention of but two planets, [the sun and moon], no four elements, etc... But to proceed, these and such-like insolent and bold attempts, prodigious paradoxes, inferences, must needs follow, if it once be granted [...] [that the earth] is a planet."

These and such-like insolent and bold attempts. Moses will be open to a perilous level of criticism if we dare accuse his account of being less than entirely scientific.

It's interesting to me on a number of levels. For one thing, the church and Bible have not collapsed on account of its being proven that the earth is indeed a planet, and orbits the sun. No one bothers to worry about the fact that Moses fails to detail celestial movements, and those portions of the Bible which were once used to prove that the earth was the stable center of the universe are now considered metaphorical. Also, the mathematics even at this time clearly indicated that the earth could not be the center of the universe. Planets would wander hither and yon, now forwards, now backwards along their course - if the earth were the center. The mathematicians aligned with the church were unable to look at the simplest solution: that the earth and all planets orbit the sun, and such back-and-forth motion comes from the earth now passing, now being surpassed by its fellow travellers.

BB has some conception of this: "But to avoid these paradoxes of the earth's motion (which the Church of Rome hath lately condemned as heretical [...]), our latter mathematicians have rolled all the stones that may be stirred: and, to solve all appearances and objections, have invented new hypotheses, and fabricated new systems of the world, out of their own Dædalian heads."

Because the solution the facts point to is unthinkable, the scientist must needs fabricate new solutions without simple use of fact. BB goes on to list the myriad theories proposed by the geocentrists, all of which are laughable by modern standards.

To avoid these paradoxes, these contradictions between the Bible and science, these scientists chose to avoid the facts rather than challenge the way the Faith read its most sacred text - and in so doing, embraced falsehood. The opposite sin, that of faithlessness, may be more heinous - but is it good to step away from The Truth (and the Way, and the Life) for any reason?

You may have guessed that I'm one of those wicked creatures, a Christian evolutionist. What I have seen leads me to believe that Moses' purpose was to convey the truth of Why we are here, What we are and Who made us, while the details of How, When, and Where are best answered by the clues left in Creation. But there is a cautionary note in here for the science-oriented.

The philosophers who did not adhere strictly to Scripture as understood laughed at Moses for making no mention of the four elements. But today we laugh at them for making so much mention of them. The fundamental basis of natural philosophy - elemental theory - has since been proven as ridiculous as a geocentric universe. Perhaps this is why Moses makes so little mention of any scientific fact: if he listed the history of the universe to the last accurate detail, every age would laugh at him for failing to agree with its own inaccuracies.

Perhaps the lesson is simply that we need to pursue truth, whether it trashes our old scientific concepts or our old religious ones. And we need to avoid simply laughing at our foes, lest we ourselves prove the ridiculous ones in the end.

Monday, April 25, 2005


When Hamlet says "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy," could we also take it to mean that more things qualify as heavenly and earthly (rather than infernal) than we might expect? Not that Hamlet's exactly a source of divine truth, but a point worth pondering. Or so it seems to my sleep-fogged brain.

Madness and musings

I really should have picked another time to start a blog. The end of my senior year of college, with its research papers and exams, is not the ideal time to have a distracting hobby.

The better part of my focus now is on my 20-page paper on fairies in seventeenth-century English literature. You'd think that would be specific enough, but no, there are a lot of possibilities to be narrowed down. I'm comforted by the fact that my authors were in something of the same predicament. You see, they lived in a time when understanding of the world was becoming increasingly scientific - or trying to. Alchemy, magic, philosophy, and natural history were all intermingled with theology and ancient literature, all trying to find a Theory of Everything. The medieval world had gotten it down to a fine art, explaining how the influences of the stars, plants, angels, animals, elements, and humans all interrelated and danced to the music of Divine Providence, to the rhythm of the music of the spheres. Copernicus had hammered this worldview in the sixteenth century. Philosophers began to question their fundamental premises, and came away frightened by the realization that many things could be explained by "secondary causes" - not everything was a divine miracle kept going only by the constant direct intervention of God. An attempt began to restructure everything, to take the pieces and put them back together in a new shape.

There was little division of labor in academia at this time. One man might be physicist, chemist, biologist, theologian, psychologist, sociologist, economist, historian, linguist... the list goes on. On one hand, it meant that any given writer tends to have a wide range of expertise. On the other hand, it means that any given writer tends to have a wide range of expertise. This is how a doctor creating An Anatomy of Melancholy (basically, a treatise on clinical depression) came to be one of my sources on fairies, in his Digression of the Nature of Spirits. (This doctor was named Richard Burton, but wrote under the pseudonym Democritus Junior. We'll call him DD, for Dick Democritus.)

DD is pretty clear on the subject of my thesis, i.e. the nature of fairies. Quite simply, they are devils. In fact, it's rather hard to discern the spirits known as fairies amidst the demons, pagan gods, classical heroes, and ghosts. Among his (demonic!) water spirits, for example, DD lists succubi, Diana, Ceres, "water Nymphs or Fairies," and the witches with whom Macbeth and Banquo had their friendly chat. "Terrestrial devils, are those Lares [Roman household gods], Genii, Faunes, Satyrs, Wood-nymphs, Foliots [DD claims they're Italian sprites], Fairies, Robin Goodfellowes, Trulli [trolls], &c." Linnaeus would be proud. Each kind of spirit known to man is neatly categorized and labelled. (There are also sections on fire and air spirits, as well as subterranean and superlunerary; I'll leave that digression to DD.)

All, however, are demons. It doesn't matter that brownies and Lares seem to exist only to serve humankind without serious reward. Nor does it matter that a great many of the water Fae in medieval and Renaissance literature are portrayed as helpful to mankind, rewarders of virtue (think the Lady of the Lake).

Is this a universal trait? Do we take all people who don't readily fit into our preexisting categories of "angels" and "humans" and consign them to be "demons"? I don't want to demonize DD. He had likely never met a brownie and might have revised his opinion of them if he had. But demonizing is so easy, so natural with that which we don't understand.

How many people would demonize God if they understood how little we understand Him?

EDIT: I find that I misremembered the name of my source. Democritus ought to be ROBERT Burton, not Richard, and therefore Bob Democritus. Or Bob Burton, BB. Or whatever.

Friday, April 22, 2005


I'm a shameless magpie when it comes to ideas. That's why the bulk of this post is someone else's work. But it's good work!

My friend has been musing of late about constants. He started out thinking about how hard it would be to simulate air in a computer program, because it's too chaotic and doesn't lend itself to neat mathematical constants. He then continued to think about other things which aren't constants:
There are a lot of them. We make assumptions. We ignore variety in favour of a simpler, unified outlook. It's actually not a bad thing, really -- it's necessary to deal with the chaos of reality. I remember the first time I did wallpapering -- okay, the only time -- and it surprised me. The walls weren't straight. The bathroom wasn't a perfect block, but more trapezoidal. It makes sense once I realized it, but until then ... well... I'd just picked the nicest, easiest numbers, and assumed they were so.

The same thing happened when people studied the orbits of planets. They wanted them to be circles. Not ellipses, as they turned out to be. Except, wait a sec -- ARE they ellipses, or is that just the nearest equivilant -- once more, we make things nice, smooth, and homogeneous when they're probably not -- not really.

So, what's my point?

Groups aren't people.

Let me run that by you again. Groups aren't people. People aren't groups.

An example, maybe?

The ACLU does not have a anti-christian agenda. The ACLU does have a anti-christian agenda. Republicans want war and dictatorship. Republicans want freedom and peace. I could go on, but ... eh.

All four of those statements are true. (Five if you include my ability and lack of desire to go on). Contradictory, but true. Why? Because the ACLU has thousands of people in it. There are millions of Republicans. Some of them are this; some of them are that. Groups are not constants. Groups aren't people -- they CONTAIN people. And yes, people have agendas, and some of them are hateful and some of them are loving and some of them don't even know who they are or why they're in a group to begin with... but to indicate that a group is one thing or another as if every member of the group is the same as every other is akin to racism, sexism, or any of those other discriminatory things that people tend to frown on.

So, I get a bit annoyed when people talk about a group as if it were a single entity; a single will, a single purpose, a single group-mind controlling everything. It's a tactic of hate, usually, because it's easy to hate groups -- and it's easy to assign them motives, because there's bound to be someone like that in the group, somewhere.

So -- groups of people? Not a constant.

People are people.

Credit goes to the Pirate Pope.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Drug Treatment Courts

I started this blog because I was tired of seeing hate becoming the main language of truth. I feel like it ought to be possible to love the sinner and hate the sin at the same time. I'm hardly an expert at it. But I can see some awesome work on that front being done by my father. He's currently doing a lot of work with Drug Treatment Courts, in North Carolina in particular but also in the world at large. It's a radical way of looking at the system. We have a problem with drug addicts turning to crime to fuel their addiction, and returning to crime after punishment. The Drug Treatment Courts are concerned with treating the disease of drug addiction so that these people can stand a fighting chance at living a decent, healthy life.

Why am I bringing this up? Because today I got an email from my father with this information:
Drug Treatment Courts, among other worthy court and intermediate
sanction programs, are on the legislative chopping block this year. It is just wrong to continue to underfund treatment, the courts and worthy programs while expanding prisons. In 1995 the President of the American Bar Association spoke to the first drug court conference and spoke these words that are sadly just as relevant today. Please read and follow the attached infromation. I once heard that in order to triumph, evil only needs good people to do nothing...

"My how we love prisons. Forget the extraordinary costs we incur today. We love prisons so much we are threatening to steal any available funding from education system in most states just to build, staff and operate our prisons. As Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has so eloquently pointed out: 'We must not view our collective ability to build more prison space as a sign of success in our society.'

Yet the public continues to respond to harsh and superficial rhetoric. And worst of all, far too many of our fellow Americans continue to operate under the delusion that we can shock, scare or punish people into abandoning drugs. We make it sound so easy. And we want it to be easy, for the sad truth is that it suits our convenience. For if we simply put people away for using drugs, we never have to deal with the underlying desperation which drives so many people to the hopeless and painful life offered by narcotics.

But each of you has seen the hopelessness of our current policies. You have determined that a simple, basic human act the act of compassion and understanding may well hold the key to this problem. You have seen or you would like to see this nation deal with the narcotics problem on medical as well as criminal terms.

And, at the very least, you are willing to try something else other than a re-hashed version of the failed policies of the past. And so, it will take courage and persistence to keep going, to seek new partners in your communities for your efforts. But, please, please, I implore you to keep trying, to keep fighting. For what you do is more than dispensing justice. You're saving lives!

Most importantly of all, you are giving people hope: hope to those who thought they'd been forgotten, hope to those who don't feel the goodness of life, hope to those who think they are all out of chances. You give hope, you give opportunity and you restore dignity.

That is as close a definition to doing justice as one could ever

Later in the letter, there is a forward outlining effectiveness and strategies. Feel free to skip to the "What Can I Do?" section - the rest is included for the statistically-minded.

The Drug Treatment Court (DTC) Programs are in jeopardy of losing funding. Your advocacy is needed to ensure continuation of these vital programs. DTCs began in Mecklenburg County 10 years ago (02/09/95). These programs have been so successful that they have now grown to 30 such adult, youth and family treatment courts throughout North Carolina. Please note the following program features:

What are Drug Treatment Courts?

- Adult DTC: Works with non-violent repeat offenders facing prison time

- Family DTC - Works with parents/guardians who are in danger of permanently losing custody due to abuse or neglect charges.

- Juvenile DTC - Works with non-violent juvenile offenders whose drug/alcohol abuse is impacting their lives at home, school, and within the community.

- DWI Court works with individuals convicted of Levels 1, 2, and 3 or multiple DWI offenses.

DTC Facts – Recidivism

- 80% of criminal offenders in the justice system are drug and/or alcohol involved. Most are addicted.

- Over 75% of abuse and neglect cases have parental drug and/or alcohol abuse as a major cause.

- An independent evaluation of NC DTCs shows that DTC graduates are rearrested at half the rate of non-graduates. 18% of DTC graduates were rearrested in the 12 months after discharge compared to 44% of the comparison group members.

DTC Facts - Cost Effectiveness

- It costs approximately $2,000-$2,500 annually to provide community treatment and supervision as compared to $23,000 annually to house an offender in a NC prison.

- A recent St. Louis study showed that for every dollar in added costs to operate DTCs, taxpayers realized a savings of $6.32. This represents the expenses that would have been incurred by the taxpayer over a four year period had the DTC client been placed on regular probation

What Can I Do?

The time has come to institutionalize funding for drug treatment courts. Their value has been well established and the best interests of the community require the requisite level of support be provided. For offenders who can meet the program’s requirements, the DTCs offer a way out of the costly, dehumanizing spiral of substance abuse that ruins lives and costs taxpayers a bundle. To help preserve the Drug Treatment Court Programs in this community your advocacy is needed. Please take a moment to:

1. Visit the following web address and log your support for Drug Treatment Courts.

2. Send a letter, E-mail or make a phone call to your local elected officials expressing your support for the Drug Treatment Court Programs and ask that they examine the record on DTCs and create a sustainable way to provide permanent, recurring funding for North Carolina’s Drug Treatment Courts. You may find the members of your local delegation by going to the North Carolina General Assembly page and selecting “House” and/or “Senate” and then “Member List.”

Thank you for considering support of this very worthwhile and cost effective program.

Janeanne Tourtellott

If you're not North Carolinian, you can still express support. Then get out there and find out what your state is doing. Because far too many places are abandoning the hard, effective method of love for the easy, ineffective method of Institution.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Continuing with an explanation of the title

I'm an English major. I pay attention to spelling. So when I noticed that my NIV spelled a certain key word "brier," I noticed. I noticed that it wasn't "briar," which I'd always thought was right. The faithless Oxford English Dictionary likewise gave preference to "brier," though it admits both are right. Still, I decided to go with the flow.

Now I've changed my mind. Dangit, I like the letter "a" in there and it is acceptable and I'll keep it. Unfortunately, it complicates things to change the URL, so it'll stay. And I want to quote the Bible without editing, so I'll leave that spelling. But I'm gonna be bold and change the title.

Yes, it's inconsistent. It's English. Ain't it glorious? (Don't worry, I won't get this technical most of the time.)

Welcome, Pope Benedict XVI

Ratzinger, if you cause my Catholic friends half the frustration they're expecting, I'm going to have to hunt you down.

May God bless your reign with miracles of divine love and Solomonic wisdom.

Starting with an explanation of the title

Last night, I wrote in my LiveJournal,
I've been trawling the blogosphere again. I should start a blog. I always like to shout and contradict people. The only trouble is, I'd be forced to be quiet and agreeable. Because that's the only way to contradict all of them.
Then I realized that I don't have to contradict everyone. I can contradict one person at a time! I can debate to my heart's content!

This would have delighted me to no end four years ago, a freshman starting college, ready to take on the errors of the world. Lately, though, I'm noticing a troubling trend in my contradictions: they seem to come from a single source. I've actually started to believe something, something bigger than a mere desire to always show the other side of an argument.

That something is rooted in one of my favorite passages of Scripture, Isaiah 27:2-5. NIV specifically - most other translations come across somewhat differently.
2In that day -

"Sing about a fruitful vineyard:
3 I, the LORD, watch over it;
I water it continually.
I guard it day and night
so that no one may harm it.
4 I am not angry.
If only there were briers and thorns confronting me!
I would march against them in battle;
I would set them all on fire.
5Or else let them come to me for refuge;
let them make peace with me,
yes, let them make peace with me."
I've always been stunned by this God who is so fiercely protective of his own, yet willing to make peace with all. And I realize this is one good impulse I have: to fight evil where I see it, and yet to make peace afterward. I like peace. I like faith, hope, and love; I like love, joy and peace; I like all these things so short in supply in most blogs.

And yet I keep thinking - in Philippians 4:8, we're told what sort of things to think about. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Truth tops the list. So if some ugly truths have to be faced before we can get to what is lovely and admirable - well, bring it on.