Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Handy trick

My roommates and several other people I know memorize Scripture by writing verses on cards or slips of paper and sticking them where they will be frequently seen.

I have begun to set the appropriate passage as my browser's home page.

Because gosh darn it, as often as I want to quote I Corinthians 1:18-29, I ought to memorize it.


Trevel said...

I used to almost have portions of that memorized. At one point, considered it my favorite bible passage.

On the flip side, trying to quote v25 gave a 50/50 chance of quoting similar song lyrics instead.

(When we in our foolishness thought we were wise / he played the fool and he opened our eyes / when we in our weakness believed we were strong / he became helpless to show we were wrong)

What version are you memorizing?

Mouse said...

NIV - it makes the most sense to me of the familiar versions.

Although as mentioned before I first started with L'Engle's quote, which was KJV and beautiful. Perhaps I'll go for both once I've learned the one!